Voice of the Martyrs
Serving persecuted Christians through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them.
Far Reaching Ministries
Bringing the gospel, discipleship, and humanitarian relief, including education to poor and persecuted people in various nations.
Joshua Project
Download their app to pray for unreached people groups around the world.
The Hastening
World Christian discipleship. "...Waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God..." 2 Peter 3:12
Pride in Purity International
Changing the culture one girl and woman at a time -
Bible study, Discipleship, Missions, Purity!
Bible study, Discipleship, Missions, Purity!
Allyfe (Women's Resource Medical Center)
A Christ-centered ministry helping save the lives of the pre-born, and minister the life-saving gospel to all whom they serve.
Frontier Alliance International
Laying foundations in strategic regions throughout the 10/40 Window where today there is still very little gospel witness.
Mormonism Research Ministries
Learn to witness to your Mormon friends and family with compassionate boldness.